Our new school

Between Brigitte and I, we have just under 50 years of experience in education. That being said, there is a lot about this school year that will be like walking into the classroom for the first time. Today was the first day back for returning teachers so we got to meet our colleagues and got to work on the usual opening of the year team meetings, etc. I heard the Superintendent mention that he expected more than 170 teachers. It looked like a big crowd!

American School of Kuwait is a PreK-12 school with more than 2000 total students. I am still gathering info about the makeup of the school population, but I thought today's post would be about the school grounds and classrooms.  Its campus is split up by Elementary, Middle and High School like most schools would be, although not many schools like this would all be on the same campus in such a small footprint as this school is.

Our school is located here in Kuwait.

It is a 30-minute bus ride from our apartments, and so far, it has been something watching the traffic and driving habits of Kuwaiti drivers!! The school was started in 1964, and as you can imagine, it shows in some areas. The gym and athletic areas were all redone in the past year so that area looks really nice. I put together this little video showing you some of the areas of the school. This link will bring you to a video hosted on Google...

That is all for now :)


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