Quite the turn of events...

February 23, 2020 - A mere 16 days ago....

One large Kuwaiti flag!
Kuwait Biker Rally
Hallways at school decorated with the Kuwait flag
School was in session for Sunday(remember our work weeks are Sunday-Thursday) with the following day scheduled for a full day of school, but the second half of the day was scheduled to be celebrations for Kuwait National Day. Attendance was very, very light on this day and due to this, we got a surprise announcement. School would not take place on Monday, we will begin the National Day holidays a day early - see you next Sunday, March 1.

Globally, there certainly were issues and worries about COVID-19 at this point, with our school trip to Indonesia, canceled due to this. However, on Feb. 23, the Middle East was clear of confirmed cases.

 So, with this news of an extra day off, Brigitte and I booked a trip to visit Dubai and left the next morning. During that day, while traveling, news hit of the first confirmed cases in Kuwait. I cannot recall the exact number, but it was a handful and it shook the country!
it was 3...

The next day, February 25th, is their National Day. Similar in some ways to July 4th, but from what we can see, the Kuwaitis really get into their holiday and it is a very, very big event. By the end of the day Monday, the Emir(leader of Kuwait) ordered it all to be canceled. No large events, gatherings, etc. Whether you think that this was a good idea or not, it is a clear example of immediate, and clear leadership. the numbers of confirmed cases grew as it became known that Iran had a severe outbreak of the virus and many Kuwaitis had recently visited Iran on a religious holiday.

Meanwhile...we were in Dubai, enjoying the views

Each day that passed in Dubai, more info across the Middle East would come out and the situation changed by the hour. Wednesday more cases in Kuwait were named, they began setting quarantined areas for those infected. Then, Thursday, the Ministry of Education declared that all schools(private, public and university) would shut down for 2 weeks until at least March 12.  We began to worry about travel restrictions and whether we would be allowed back into Kuwait. Bahrain stopped all flights from the UAE(Dubai), the situation in Italy, South Korea, and Iran became more dire and travel started to become very dicey in the region.

We flew home Friday without any problems and arrived in our apartment to begin 2 weeks of virtual school. To date, there are not any cases of community spread in Kuwait, only cases that are directly linked to people who traveled to Iran and now Egypt. It seems just a matter of time before this spreads more in this small country, but as of now, we can get around, no one is panicking too badly.

Yesterday, the Ministry of Education extended the school closure to another two weeks, at least until
March 28th. Best case scenario, Students will go from February 20-March 28 without being in school. How much will have to be retaught? Will some families refuse to send their children if the risk of the virus is still around(it will be). What if school never re-opens for this school year?

In keeping up with the news, I know we are in good shape in one aspect here in the Middle East...there is still plenty of toilet paper ;)


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